Players must register using My Football Club.
Acceptance of registration is subject to players meeting all of the requirements of membership which includes:
1. Registration of player in My Football Club
2. Payment of registration fees for the year.
3. Becoming a full member of The Waves Sports Club (player if over 18 or 1 parent if under 18).
4. International clearance if appropriate.
Where ever possible, ATWFC attempts to accept the registration of all players. In certain circumstances however numbers must be capped to ensure the correct amount of players in each team. In each instance where this happens players will be registered on a 'first come' basis. ATWFC reserves the right to not register players in teams where the total quota of players is reached. In this event a player or parent will be notified and any monies paid will be refunded.
It is the policy of ATWFC to attempt to keep players in teams from season to season. ATWFC will also consider requests for players to play together in teams. Whilst every attempt is made to be guided by these principles, certain circumstances do not allow this and ATWFC reserves the right to allocate players to teams as they see fit.
Enquiries about registration should be addressed to the Junior Football Registrar - Paul Murphy by email at paul.murphy@sca.com.au or 0418 767 152 after 4.30pm on weekdays.