Introducing Chris, Debbie and Josie Gordon

We are a small family business, living and working predominantly in Bundaberg. However we do travel the Wide Bay region where we take photographs at Hervey Bay, Maryborough, Gympie, Agnes Waters, 1770 and surrounds. After working for 6 years selling Real Estate we are sure we can offer you the service and photographs that the prospective market are interested in looking at. Not only that, our quality photography and editing skills leave you with a fantastic range of photographs to choose from for any type of marketing.
Realestate Pro Pix has been a successful and thriving business in Bundaberg since 2006. Purchasing Realestate Pro Pix in August 2013 was the best thing our family has done, as we are able to put our work skills and passion for photography together and do something that we enjoy, and when you are working at something you enjoy, you know that the quality of the product is going to satisfy.
As our name suggests we take photographs of real estate, however we also take photographs of buildings such as clubs, pubs, hotels... basically anything that stands still! We have taken photographs for architects to enter their buildings into competitions, for builders to update websites and brochures, for clubs to advertise their services, for private vendors wanting a keepsake memory of their house, for shop owners, business owners, car yards, unit dwellings and plenty of real estate agents. If it stands still – we’ll photograph it!
Check out our gallery and services page to see if there is anything we can help you with today.
Chris and Debbie Gordon.