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What to expect after removal of nerve

You have had the pulp (nerve) removed from your tooth today and the following information will help to answer any questions that you may have.


You should have very little or no pain after the first 24 (or at most 48) hours following this procedure.  If you experience any pain at all in the initial day or so a mild analgesic such as paracetamol ("Panadol") or ibuprofen ("Nurofen" or "Act 3") should adequately control if it is used as directed.  Ongoing, severe, or delayed-onset pain is often a sign of a need for further interventive treatment.  Please call us - this can usually be treated very effectively by a second procedure.


Unfortunately in cases where there has been substantial tissue damage to the pulp of the tooth, the procedure carried out today is not always immediately effective, due to the need to control the effects of bacteria which may have migrated beyond the end (apex) of the tooth.  So it is reasonably common for an initial period of 24 to 48 hours to pass prior to significant improvement, as outlined above.


In a lot of cases, however, the tooth will settle down immediately.  This is, of course, the desired outcome.  If this does occur, it does not mean that no further treatment is required for the tooth.  The root-canal treatment is always a multi-stage procedure, requiring at least 1 or 2 further follow-up appointments.  The absence of pain is at this stage, an indication of successful management of the problem, not its eradication.


Don't hesitate to let us know if you are concerned about any effects of your treatment.  

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