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Root Canal Treatment

A common occurrence in the dental setting is your dentist informing you that you need a root canal treatment.  Many teeth are treated and saved each year with root canal treatment. Root canal treatment is an effective way of relieving your pain and saving your smile.


What is Root Canal Treatment?

Root Canal Treatment is the removal of the inflamed or infected nerve tissue from inside the tooth.  It is generally done in a number of visits. At the first appointment the nerve is removed from the tooth and symptoms such as aching, sensitivity to hot and cold and pain on biting will also be relieved after this appointment. At the second appointment the root canal is shaped and disinfected. At the final appointment the root canal is filled with rubber-like material known as gutta-percha. Afterwards the tooth is restored with a durable restoration and ideally should be crowned.


Advantages of saving natural tooth with Root Canal Treatment:

  • Efficient  chewing

  • Normal biting force and sensation

  • Natural appearance

  • Avoid need for denture/bridge/implant to replace missing tooth

  • Maintain smile


Risks of leaving teeth requiring Root Canal Treatment untreated:

The main risk with leaving a tooth that has been diagnosed as requiring root canal treatment is spreading infection. Once the tooth has lost its nerve function its ability to fight infection is also lost. The infection may cause localized bone loss and occasionally can cause severe facial swelling. 

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