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Restorations are used for a variety of reasons. Generally they are used to restore decayed teeth, or broken teeth. Here at Greg Whalley Dental we offer both white composite fillings and Cerec (porcelain) restorations.


Composite Restorations

Composite restoration otherwise known as white fillings are durable and long lasting and are most suitable in the situation of a decayed tooth. Composite restorations bond to underlying tooth structure and effectively replace the damaged tissue whilst looking and feeling like real tooth.


Cerec Restorations

Cerec restorations are particularly suitable for heavily filled teeth, or teeth which keep breaking.  They offer a long term solution.  Cerec technology takes an image of the tooth after your dentist has prepared it. A computer then mills the restoration for your mouth.  Once the restoration has been milled it is then bonded to your tooth by the dentist.  

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